Leading through Change

Leadership Academy

Leading through Change


Ask anyone what causes them the most unease at work, and change will be in the top 3 concerns. This programme has been designed to ensure that you have the core understanding of managing change within your team and your organisation.

We will navigate the complexities in communicating and gaining buy-in to change to help avoid common pitfalls and explore the necessity to balance one’s focus between the ‘change’ and the transition teams will experience through the change process.

•Recognise change methodologies for use in best practice change projects
•Examine the psychological needs of team members during change
•Prioritise the right areas when leading change initiatives
•Reflect on strengths and development areas in leading change
•Create meaningful action plans to improve change outcomes

Make an enquiry

Ready to book? Simply complete the form with your details and we will contact you about the next available dates.

If you require further advice on the suitability of this course, please call our experts on 0117 248 2731

APCC Affiliate
ilm approved

Ready to change the way you work?